About our Model:
Sunnyside Parents as Teachers home visiting model is a proven and effective program. Evaluation results of Parents as Teachers home visiting model show:
Children’s developmental delays and health problems are detected early
Children enter kindergarten ready to learn and the achievement gap is narrowed
Children achieve school success into the elementary grades
Parents improve their parenting knowledge and skills
Parents are more involved in their children’s schooling
Families are more likely to promote children’s language and literacy
Our home visiting professionals meet families where they are comfortable, typically in their home. During visits, parent educators assess family needs and partner with parents to set family goals. Home visitors provide necessary information and resources to help parents support the emotional, behavioral and physical development of their children. Each personal visit includes a focus on parent-child interaction, development-centered parenting and family well-being.

Parents and their children engaging in Home Visitations

Sunnyside PAT as a Blue Ribbon Affiliates Recipient delivering high-quality services to children and families
In October of 2022, Sunnyside PAT completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement process and was recognized by PAT National Center as a Blue Ribbon Affiliate. This designation is for programs demonstrating the highest quality of standards and continuous improvement. This program has always been data-driven and has presented its data at various national and internal conferences. Sunnyside Unified School District has received the following awards. Arizona State Golden Bell Award for the Dad & Me Program, Expect More Arizona Award for programs making difference with high poverty children, and Loso Award from Parents as Teachers National Center for Dad & Me Program.

Special Drive-By Celebration
May 20, 2020
For many years, Sunnyside PAT has celebrated our incoming Kindergartners with a graduation ceremony. Families look forward to this celebration. They dress up and invite extended family members. Because approximately 200 people attend the event, our affiliate was obligated to cancel PAT Graduation due to social distancing requirements. However, the staff and parents decided to plan a “Drive-Through Graduation.” This allowed families and the PAT team to model safety measures, such as covering the face with a mask and social distancing. It also provided families with the opportunity to celebrate their year with Parents as Teachers and say good-bye to the Parent Educators. The staff adorned with balloons and decorations and played music. Families honked their cars and waved as they drove past with signs and graduation attire. Families reported that they were thrilled that our organization thought to celebrate their children so they could laugh and have fun during this challenging time. Amidst the laughter, parents and staff shed a few tears as well. We truly felt that bringing our families and PAT team together for this opportunity was genuine success!

Expect More Arizona Governor's Award
Posted July 12, 2013
Parents As Teachers received the 2013 Expect Spotlight Awards for demonstrating a sincere commitment to ensuring that all kids in Arizona are able to succeed in college, career and life. View Award Certificate View State Recognition Letter View Award Cover Letter